long time no tea~~
since ader org dok tnye ble nk update (tpi dye mls nk update xD) so aku berbesar hati meng'update'kan blog nih..
dan tidak ada benda pon ingin berbicara...just reminders to all..
this is not from me...just copy n paste from somewhere...
and credit to this blog owner ( sbb post benda2 y best begini~~
so behold ppl!! hasil copy n paste ku~~ harap2 dapat iktibar drpd bende nih...>.~



- Waktu engkau masih kanak-kanak
- kau laksana kawan sejatiku
- Dengan wudu', Aku kau sentuh
- dengan keadaan suci, Aku kau pegang
- Aku, kau junjung dan kau pelajari
- Aku, kau baca dengan suara lirih ataupun keras setiap hari
- Setelah selasai engkau cmemciumku mesra


- Sekarang engkau telah dewasa
- Nampaknya engkau sudah tak berminat lagi padaku
- Apakah Aku bahan bacaan usang yang tinggal sejarah..?
- Menurutmu, mungkin aku bahan bacaan yang tidak menambah pengetahuan
- Atau, menurutmu aku hanya untuk anak kecil yang belajar mengaji..?
- Sekarang, Aku tersimpan rapi sekali
- Sehinggga engkau lupa dimana aku tersimpan
- Aku sudah engkau anggap hanya sebagai pengisi setormu


- Kadang-kala Aku dijadikan mas kawin agar engkau dianggap bertakwa
- Atau, Aku kau buat penangkal untuk menakuti iblis dan syaitan
- Kini, Aku lebih banyak tersingkir, dibiarkan dalam kesendirian dan kesepian
- Di dalam almari, di dalam laci, Aku engkau padamkan
- Dulu pagi-pagi, surah yang ada padaku engkau baca beberapa halaman
- Di waktu petang, Aku kau baca beramai-ramai bersama temanmu di surau


-Sekarang.... seawal pagi sambil minum kopi..engkau baca surat khabar dulu
- Waktu lapang engkau membaca buku karangan manusia
- Sedangkan Aku yang berisi ayat-ayat yang datang dari Allah Azzawajalla
-Engkau abaikan dan engkau lupakan


-Waktu berangkat kerja pun kadangengkau lupa baca pembuka surahku(Bismillah)
-Di dalam perjalanan engkau lebih asyik menikmati muzik duniawi
-Tidak ada keset yang berisi ayat Allah yang terdapat di dalam keretamu
- Sepanjang perjalanan, radiomu selalu tertuju ke stesen radio kesukaanmu/mengasyikan


- Di meja kerjamu tidak ada Aku untuk kau baca sebelum kau mulai kerja
- Di komputermu pun kau putar muzik kesukaanmu
- Jarang sekali engkau putar ayat-ayatku
- E-mel temanmu yang ada ayat-ayatku pun kau abaikan
- Engkau terlalu sibuk dengan urusan duniamu
- Benarlah dugaanku bahawa engkau kini sudah benar-benar hampir melupaiku


- Bila malam tiba engkau tahan bersekang mata berjam-jam di depan tv
- Di depan komputer berjam-jam engkau betah duduk
- Hanya sekadar membaca berita murahan dan gambar sampah
- Waktu pun cepat berlalu
- Aku semakin kusam dalam lacimu
- Muengumpul debu atau mungkin di makan hama


- Seingatku, hanya awal Ramadhan engkau membacaku kembali
- Itupun hanya beberapa lembar dariku
- Dengan suara dan lafaz yang tidak semerdu dulu
- Engkaupun kini terangkak-terangkak ketika membacaku
-Atau waktu kematian saudara atau taulanmu


- Bila engkau di kubur sendirian menunggu sampai kiamat tiba
- Engkau akan diperiksa oleh para Malaikat suruhannya
- Apakah tv,radio,hiburan atau komputer dapat menolong kau
- Yang pasti aat-ayat Allah s.w.t yang ada padaku menolongmu
- Itulah janji Tuhanmu, Allah


- Sekarang engkau begitu enteng membuang waktumu
- Setiap saat berlalu
- Dan akhirnya
- Kubur yang setia menunggumu...
- Engkau pasti kembali,kembali kepada Tuhanmu


- Jika Aku, engkau baca selalu dan engkau hayati...
- Di kuburmu nanti...
- Aku akan datang sebagai pemuda gagah nan tampan..
- yang akan membantu engkau membela diri
- Dalam perjalanan ke alam Akhirat
- Dan akulah '' Al-Quran'', kitab sucimu
- Yang sentiasa setia menemani dan melindungimu


- Peganglah Aku kembali..bacalah Aku kembali setiap hari
- Kerana ayat-ayat yang ada padaku adalah ayat-ayat suci
- Yang berasal dari Allah Azzawajalla
- Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Pemurah
- Yang disampaikan oleh Jibrail melalui Rasulmu
- Keluarkanlah segera Aku dari almari,lacimu...
- Letakan Aku selalu di depan meja kerjamu..
- Agar Aku sentiasa mengingati Tuhanmu
- Sentuhilah Aku kembali..


- Baca dan pelajari lagi Aku..
- Setiap datangnya pagi,petang dan malam hari walau secebis ayat
- Seperti dulu...waktu engkau masih kecil
- Disurau kampungmu yang damai..
- Jangan Aku engkau biarkan sendirian..
- dalam sepi dan bisu.

Maha Suci allah yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana-Moga bermanfaat.


danjoubi omedetto,tasha-chan!!!

taw dh lewat tiga hari tp nak post jgk~~~
so, kpd yg x wish lg,
jom kite WISH kat TASHA ramai2!!!!
kalau nk bg HADIAH pown x pe~~~

this video is specially searched and dedicated for you,



shera hwaiting!!!

sori guyz for d long hiatus O___O
igtkn nk if...tpi mls...wahahaa..
hope smpt lg nk wish korg 'welcome to 3rd year'

mcm yg korang tao ape y menimpa shera..
nie ader cket latest update psl our bff shera...
not a good one i guess...
but yes she's recovering and about 5% of her life support is now removed...
brita terbaru *sigh* die kena tmbh satu lg tiub kt leher utk support pernafasan...n God noes how long...

xtao nk ckp aper tp time kaseh bbyk sbb doakn shera *bow reramai*
we really really appreciate it XDDD

get well soon shera^^

To Shera-yah~...

"we're being strong for u so, be strong for us~ and let our prayers accompany u~"


salam and night!!!!
it is almost midnight rite?
just wanna scream a very happy birthday to my dear one and only beloved dad(abah)
love you so much dad!
please be healthy and have very long life....(and please stop/lessening ordering me/us around)
whatever it is, i'm sorry i didn't wish it to you literally...
i don't know why,though...
but you should really know that i love you n will forever love you,ok?
appa, saranghae!!!!
sengil chukkahae!!!!!!!


must watch!:P

haha..siyes klaka gile...tah sape yg bwat agknye..hebat2..salute ah!
dedicated to> ime (nobody!:P)-mie..pekate ko nyanyi lg ni lak dlm blk air..seswai dow!:))
enjoy ur oliday!


lme jugak x wat entry..
well nothing interesting to tell...
jux the same routine everyday....
sleep, wake up, study for exam, ketensionan,
tido n the cycle goes...

how do u like the new look?
korang aq tuko lagi...since korang x geti nk tuko kn?

aq tolong ler...
sbb layout sblm nie a bit messy..header dye
hilang tah kemane..
i like to make it more simple n stuff......
n aq kene edit dye nyer html sbb ade ke patot tulisan
dye warne pink..
i mean for posting, commenting
n stuff...
da la x nmpk...

aq change it to white rather than pink..xD
*depleted membace code html*

tuan puteri syahirah sudah smpi di kerajaan
baginda dengan sela
tpi masih tidak ade khabar berita??
hamba n sahabat2 *point to ime* masih
sibok kah meguruskn hal2 kerajaan? xD

life sucks when u make it sucks..

check2 recycle bin ader pulak movie2
yg aq da delete tpi x tgk lagi..

am i lucky or wat? xDDD
da x tao da nk tulis gapo.. suda mao balik...esk...

yay!! malaysia...rindunye...xDDDDD

ime punyer trade mark baru..
"relax sudey"

pic of the day?




dbsk hwaiting! housemate hwaiting!!!

i MISS my housemates so so so much...
and that STUPID rumors about dbsk...

i feel like crying rite now...
cut it... i've cried already...

kool sudey rite guys???...

anyway gudluck exam ne...





rs cm nk bakar bngnn sm
seriously,per mslh drg..
sume kump bwh drg yg popular mesti kuar nyer
pak cik lee soo man nih mmg membencikan
kalo ati leh membunuh..sure sume cassie bunuh lsm bnyk kali
dh try xnak riso tp risau gk...
nk ckp ngan org~~~
xleh ckp pon
risau cmpr tkt smpi xleh bncg ngan org psl nie
still in shocked yg teamat sgt
asik refresh..refresh n keep refreshing da page every 5 minutes 4 da news
i try to only stick wif cassie statement but wif all da news even its cant be trusted..
the tears n fear jz wont stop..
i believe in their friendship..
deep in my heart i believe homin is supporting jaechunsu
i really hope all 5 of them will win against sm
well,time will tell
always have faith..cassie n bigeast!!
no matter wut...,we will always support u
stand by u~
jz stay 2gether 4eva,dbsk
don u promise us,cassie n bigeast dat u all will stay 2gether..don back on ur promise


hot hot hot

saje jekk nk post video ni~~~
bkn sbb i love the singer or etc...
i just kind of like the "hot issue" part only~~~
the weather was kind of little bit hot this days, rite?
kene la dgn lgu ni...
really i just wanna share~~~
do rate or comment if you want~~~
this song really reduce some of the stress i've to overcome this days~~
hope the same for you guys too...
jgn tension2,ekk?
be happy n remember
at least i will always be here with you~~~
and listen~~~

credit: the owner of the video

for now,

i'm back?

bru berkesempatan utk check the updates yg ade kat cni....
happynye sume dah habis exam.......................
kpd yg dah nk balik tu slmt pulang ke tanah air!!!!!
kpd yg x balik plak, selamat menjalankan ibadah puase n raye aidil fitri kat cni,ekk?
kepada kengkawan yg bakal menjalankan ibadah umrah,sye ucapkan selamat pergi n pulang,ekk?
doakan kite sume cemerlang n jadi muslim & muslimah yg baik....
kpd yg ulang, selamat maju jaya!!!!!

gunekan la mase bersame kuarga dgn sebaek mgkn!


for now.....

untk those yg nk sqeuaaaaall~~ awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~

mende nie sure made my day~~


suppuration!(br abes xm patho pon):P

i just feel kind of relieve...even xm is not over yet...
mayb kaki ni dh nk blk mesia...n xsaba sgt kot...
n yg d most important thing...ak mmg xbleh nk dok cni lame2...bnanah!!!!!!!

xtahu la ape smgt ak dtg smpi mmg nk sgt ak ckp kat blog ni...xlrt nk simpan lg kot..
bkn nk sume org tahu pon...but at least....ak rase relief...n i don care!

i just truly mad at sum1..
truly madly deeply!!!!
ak xtahu la nape pangai die cam tuh...
hr2 is like a war...
nk mrh2...nk mrh2...
ruin my mood....n that's sucks!!!
bile ak mrh....jd issue plak..
haih dunie....plek2....
n xtahu la die pasan ke x an....
everytime gado...ak jek yg mntk maaf..
bkn la nk kate ape....xbleh ke ko trnkn cket ego ko tuh...
last year gni gak...
ak blk2 msr jek....dh kne habuan mrh...
xlepas g home6 ak kat mesia time tuh...
bleh x ko consider cket kalo nk mrh pon??? xksian ke kat ak nh??
hmmm...n mcm bese...ak la yg mntk maaf....nk hrp die???bleh bla laaaa...
n ak dh muak jd mangse mrh ko....sori la beb...

ak mrh??ha mmg ak mrh....
tp atleast...ak thn...xde la ak nk tnjok ak mrh...
byk jek mulot die yg myktkn ht ak...
tp xkn asek nk mrh jek kn...kate kwn....saba jela...
mak ak kate ngn kwn kne beralah...
hmm sori la mak...yah mmg dh xleh nk bralah...kalo mak pon yah rase mak mrh...

hmmmm.....xde la ak ckp die jht...
honestly die baek jek.....
tp pangai die yg tuh ak mmg btol2 xthn...haih...cane la ak nk thn lg 4 taon...

ak plek la..
sume dtg cni brubh...
dlu kat kolej sume sempoi2 jek..hepy2..skpale..
tp knape...kat cni len??
nk kate brubh jd baek...mmg la....byk yg cam tuh pon...
tp atleast...our frenship..jage la.....
jom la kite success same2...n jgn la selfish2...huhu...
haih....ak kcewe la!!
ngn dr sndr!
ngn kwn2!
ngn sume2 la!!

sori la guys ak ckp mcm2....
i just need sum1 2 talk 2...
but rite now..i don hv any..
blog nh jek yg ade pon...

k la..enjoy ur time guys!!jgn mrh2:P
hidop mst kne hepyyyy!!!!

haptic HAPTIC haptic F4 mission!!!

korea freaks out there!!
mesti knl kn


when we mention bof..,
xleh tnggl r psl F4 kn....


f4 scream perfection!!!!!!***dreamy eyes***

soooooo check dis out ...
haptic reality show..

our F4 r there as office worker^^

cant stop fangurling over them



I Hope mv!!!!**FT island rocking GREASE^^



check dis out
tgk...tgk tao
worth it

'free' n 'rebellious'
jz da way we like it
luv luv luv luv luv luuuuuuuuuuv it<333333>
hongki-----------lead singer
seunghyun-------guitarist n 2nd singer



lagu bru dlm playlist~


Since the day you left without a word of goodbye
I feel that the scenery around me has changed.
The promise I made
that I would become your everything
and the incomplete memories
have also changed.

When you were crying by yourself back then,
if only had I run to you
you would still be by my side.
If I was given one more chance,
I would tell you once again
that I love you.
But the words that contain my overflowing feelings
cannot reach you anymore.

Where are you now?
Who are you being with?
What kind of clothes are you wearing?
What are doing and laughing at?
I am right here.
Even now, I am right here.
And I still believe that we will see each other again.
You're the only one I'm thinking of.

Just once more,
I want you to stand at my back with your tied hair
asking me "Guess who it is~~~"
and expecting me to say out your name.*
Just the two of us being silly like that day by day.

I can't forget you,
But the truth is, I don't want to forget you.
I can't feel even a bit of happiness
because you're not by my side.
No matter how hard I try,
I'll end up crying
and my tears just won't stop.

Where are you now?
Who are you being with?
What kind of clothes are you wearing?
What are doing and laughing at?
I am right here.
Even now, I am right here.
I still believe that we will see each other again.
You're the only one I'm thinking of.

Therefore, I am right here
singing the song by myself.
Even though I don't have any reason to embrace this pain anymore,
I can't help doing it.

Even if I know that the days
when you were by my side making my world shine
won't come back again,
and no matter what will happen,
no matter how far I'm lost,
I never ever want to forget that my heart has chosen to love you.

No matter where you are,
no matter who you are being with,
no matter what kind of dream you are dreaming of,
or what you are doing and laughing at,
I will be here forever.
Even now, I right am here,
believing in a day that we will meet again.

This feeling won't change,
and you are the only one I'm thinking of.
This feeling won't change,
and you are the only one I'm thinking of.

Credits : linhkawaii @LJ+

award!! yay!!

sbb liyana da bg..
disini K.A.M.I ingin mengucapkn trima kasih y x thingga kepada mak ayah
producer kami..manager...jiran blakang rumah kerana meyeport kami...
thnks liyana~


its too late to turn back now.....
i must faced it....
might as well stick with it...
until time comes....
time will fix everything...

sum1 bg aq bnde nih...
pakcik dye tulis sendiri...
n i think its beautiful~
i wanna share it with all...


Sometimes we close our eyes and just listen to the
echoes of hour hearts,
we all fall in love, and there are time that we love so much,
that we loose ourselves in our emotion.
More often or not,not we wonder...why there are love
that grows and love that grows cold,
we would start
to search for answers and try to find where
love has gone wrong,
but in the end we find ourselves where we started.

We cannot question love when it has its own reasons,
love will always be as it always has been silent,
my mysterious and deeply profound.
Many of us believe that love is forever,
that love is never dies,
only to be the solution in the end when we find our
hands empty and our hearts


We mistakenly have look at love as need to be fullfield,
but love is only a gift given to us which
not hold it in our hands
for we may never find the strength to let go
when it decides to leave,
we should only embrace its warmth and glow while it last,
and then freely open our arms when it's
time to say goodbye
when we fall in love with someone we don't want that
feeling to end for it is everything we are and
everything that we wanted to be.
We prayed that love will stay and grow in our
hearts but
if doesn't that we should never let our lives be taken by it...
For life should not end and heartaches begin.
There is always a reason why we have to move
on when we move on when we have to set its
wings free and find a

place where it belongs.

We may have lost it but then again,
when we close our eyes and
listen to the echoes of our hearths wewill hear that
feeling resorounding silently forever.
Then will hear that feeling resorounding silently forever,
then we'll know that it is never left us,
for the good that we have become because of
love will always stay
and it always be there reminding us that
we should be thankfuland happy,
not because we have lost love but because for once
in our lives that feelin' live in our
hearts and made us happy.

credit to uncle~
srsly..i love it~ jiwang la pulak..hahahaha


p/s. ooh ape aq buat kt cni >.<;; ?? para!! AJA!!! GTG!!


should we put this blog on HIATUS??
if i got bored with study then yes...xDDD u?
we r taking a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong HIATUS...??
today is 28th june....SO how many days LEFT till our finals??
yeah u heard me!! 5 more days!!! 5?? 5!!!
start burning the midnight oil ppl!! xDD
as ppl always says...
"exam is around the corner" is...jux waiting...waiting...n waits there...
duh~~ i hate that words..
to K.A.M.I n all my friends out there...
start bringing ur lazy ass up to study!! XD
usaha itu penting....doa n tawakal.....
its all in ur hand...
self reminder for me too...

anyone agreed with this statement?



SNSD'S GENIES is OUT!!! (Tell me ur wish) jux a couple of hrs ago~~~~

wooott!! wooooooooooooot!!
check it out guys!!!!
the pretty girls is back!!
fanny fanny tiffany~~~

Tell Me Your Wish (Genie) -
(English Translation)

turn it up, just turn it up
that's right, c'mon

tell me your wish.
tell me the little dreams in your heart
draw the ideal woman in your head
and look at me
i'm your genie, your dream, your genie

ride your dream car and race along
sit next to me
throw your everything into my enticement
even if your heart bursts and flies in the wind
in this moment, the world is yours

that's right, i love you. i always believe in you.
dreams and passions, i want to give them all to you
i'm a good luck goddess that wants (wants) to make your wish come true
tell me your wish (i'm genie for you, boy)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your wish)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your dream)
tell only me (i'm genie for your world)

tell me your wish
aren't you tired of boring days
are you buried in ordinary life
now stop and wake up
you're my superstar, shining star, superstar

to the trembling that's like the sound of a heart,
to the harley, entrust your body
now this world is a stage for just you
a wave like the sound of cheering
in my heart, i can feel your body heat
i'm your path, your biggest fan forever

that's right, i love you. i always believe in you.
dreams and passions, i want to give them all to you
i'm a good luck goddess that wants (wants) to make your wish come true
tell me your wish (i'm genie for you, boy)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your wish)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your dream)
tell only me (i'm genie for your world)
tell me your wish

DJ, put it back on

that's right, i love you. i always believe in you.
dreams and passions, i want to give them all to you
i'm a good luck goddess that wants (wants) to make your wish come true
tell me your wish

i love you, you're my music
i love you, you're my happiness
i love you, i want to be your goodluck charm
(tell me all of your fantasies without hiding anything
i'm a genie, i'll show you the way
tell me all of your wishes without hiding anything
your genie, i'll listen to them all)

tell me your wish (i'm genie for you, boy)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your wish)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your dream)
tell only me (i'm genie for your world)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for you, boy)
tell me your wish (i'm genie for your wish)

tell me your wish

Thanks to Crazykootie @ Soompi





LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson, the sensationally gifted "King of Pop" who emerged from childhood superstardom to become the entertainment world's most influential singer and dancer before his life and career deteriorated in a freakish series of scandals, died Thursday, a person with knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press. He was 50.

The person said Jackson died in a Los Angeles hospital. The person was not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity.

The circumstances of his death were not immediately clear. Jackson was not breathing when Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to a call at his Los Angeles home about 12:30 p.m., Capt. Steve Ruda told the Los Angeles Times. The paramedics performed CPR and took him to UCLA Medical Center, Ruda told the newspaper.

Jackson's death brought a tragic end to a long, bizarre, sometimes farcical decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music's premier all-around performer, a uniter of black and white music who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.

His 1982 album "Thriller" — which included the blockbuster hits "Beat It," "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" — remains the biggest-selling album of all time, with more than 26 million copies.

He was perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation, known for his feverish, crotch-grabbing dance moves, his high-pitched voice punctuated with squeals and titters. His single sequined glove and tight, military-style jacket were trademarks second only to his ever-changing, surgically altered appearance.

As years went by, he became an increasingly freakish figure. His skin became lighter and his nose narrower. He surrounded himself with children at his Neverland ranch, often wore a germ mask while traveling and kept a pet chimpanzee named Bubbles as one of his closest companions.

In 2005, he was cleared of charges he molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor at Neverland in 2003. He had been accused of plying the boy with alcohol and groping him. The case took a fearsome toll on his career and image, and he fell into serious financial trouble.

Hundreds of people gathered outside the hospital as word of his death spread. The emergency entrance at the UCLA Medical Center, which is near Jackson's rented home, was roped off with police tape.

In New York's Times Square, a low groan went up in the crowd when a screen flashed that Jackson had died, and people began relaying the news to friends by cell phone.

"No joke. King of Pop is no more. Wow," Michael Harris, 36, of New York City, read from a text message a friend sent to his telephone. "It's like when Kennedy was assassinated. I will always remember being in Times Square when Michael Jackson died."

credit: yahoo's news



this is pretty much wat is happening in fashion kt msia..
we can get all this stuff below rm40 in msia...wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
btol x tipu...hehehhehe..
i've check it myself kt online store..^^
nk blk msia!!!!!!!
there's lot more nk upload..wahhahaa
actually nk ckp bnyk mood n watsoever.....
lapo tomyam!! T.T



ari ni tersgt amat panas...
rse cam nk tido sepanjng ari...
tpi esk ader 2 finals la pulak...
i'm going kehrayzy~~~~

rindunye nk mkn ABC!!
nk!! nk!!
lgi lgi time panas cam nie....

harap2 hujan...^^
i love rainy u?
i hope it will rain...
pls rain!!!!!
i'm longing for it....

when its rain..there will probably a rainbow...^o^

I really wonder now...
what exactly am i looking for...
Time with my family?? Friends??
Cute clothes n accessories??
All sort of music n stuff??
Though they r all sorta important it's still somehow not enough....
Am i really that greedy?
another plagiarism i noe..


"i got ass for a brain,
even when i take a shit,
i'm dropping knowledge"

tablo is really sumthing...<3


abah, ayah, daddy, papa, abi XDDDDDDD

"Tuhanmu telah menyuruh supaya kamu jangan menyembah (mengesakan) selain daripadaNYA. Dan terhadap kedua ibu bapa harus berbakti (taat dan baek) apabila telah tua salah satunya atau keduanya disisimu, maka jangan menunjukkan sikap atau sikap jemu atau berkata 'ah' kepada keduanya, dan jangan membentak keduanya dan berkatalah kepada kedua ibu bapamu perkataan baik2."

(Al Isra' : 23)

abah fiera^^

abah aimi^^

ayah shera^^

ayah tashya^^

abah mira^^

ttyl, chun's, heafy