
SAKIT? Tapi sakit itu bagus? haha..Sakit maksudnye aku hidup lagi...yay! Sakit maksudnye that at least i some feelings left in that hollow part of a heart. And it would be easy to explain away the various cuts that surfaced, since nobody would notice it anyway. Tapi....itulah masenye when handiplast comes in handy(murah segenih dpt bnyk) use yellow coloured print with dinosaur motifs in multi-colours, not the plain choc coloured ones. So boooooring.......

A bottle of chilled Coke helps too (or maybe Schewwepherssss lemon flava). The trick senang jek..,just gulp it down, don’t stop to savor the sugary sweet gassy taste. UMPHHHHHHHHHHHHH......... It’ll really numb the pain, even if for a while. There’s other easy-to-get stuffs to make you feel something when the numbness comes settling in, like off the counter cough syrup or Panadol or Baracetamol or. Oh well, there are others.

Banging your head against the wall helps too xD, if you don’t mind getting a hell of a headache almost instantly and a bump on your head the next day. So, if you’re clever, you would avoid from resorting to that method. JGN LAKUKAN INI DIRUMAH! xD

But the best way is to write. Take a pen and paper, or switch on your laptop and just write. Just write it away.

Okeh! babai! Sebab shopping pon blh hilang kna pain jugak. Do trust me. But different kind of pain lah.

Kesimpulanya, study molek untuk mengelakkn diri dari sakit hati..hahaha

Ade kene mengena ke? Buzzzzz!! Nope!!

The reason i'm posting this? I don't know. hah!

Marilah kita meng'euphoria'kan sendiri like somebody i know. Euphoria sentiase...hahaha..

1 scream:

aimi said...

pain,, hmmmmmm...
'listen to my Y' -mblaq Y