my very 1st entry here..hahahah
act,nk thanx lot lot a loooooooott kt sume buddies2 yg wish bufday xkire r
ym ker,msg ker..,calling,mms,msg fs..,fcbook or ckp jek trs..
tech really make us connected ever we r far from each other rite??
mekaseh bnyk2 sgt,wish krg really make me hepi^____^
cant stop smiling even dh mkn bsr..T___T
urmmm..,20 years..tuenyer rs
tp tp xper..,uncle fadzil ckp"age is jz a no"
tol tuh uncle!!soooo, shera hope my wishes will comes true esp da 1st one

both da celeb wif my sc n my great2 buddies was soooo great!!
to nurnadwa zafirah sabri,thanx a lot 4 ur suprise cake!its totally touched da deepest part of my <3
no wonder r die beria-ria suh dtg sc

nadwa:halo,shera..dtg sc tao
shera:aah la~,lpe..jap nk gtao fira
nadwa:hah!dtg cpt skit,naek teksi tao
shera:heheh..yer,mle r dlu ek
nadwa:xleh..sc xle mle xde ko:P
shera:poyo..!!jap2 nk siap lar nih

but then,lastly ktrg jln kaki jek sbb xtao nk stop mn kalo naek taxi:P
but then..our choice rsltnyer ktrg lgee lost..dh r slh lorong,
slh bngnn..kn trn blk tangga,pth blk..
smpi2 jek kak bb pon senyum jek tgk ktrg yg utang o2 nih..:p
tp teng.., teng.., teng..,
dpt suprise cake..!,bez sgt sbb smbt ngan saly gk
ktrg due2 smbt awl n i cant stop smiling smpi letih otot2 mke
tp dlm ati kate"aih,kalo tao ptt pki lok skit,nih ngan suar tdoo jek"@___@
end of da story..

n da 2nd celeb wif my buddies esp K.A.M.I was sooo great cm tash citer soooo
nk shortkn rambling2 nih..
dat nite will give me very very sweet memories through my life<3333
i luv u guyz n we r bff**pinky promise**
da piccie will b upload dis nite n reveal who is K.A.M.I
sooo..,don change ur channel n stay tuned~

6 scream:

lamputido said...

*drum roll*
shera very firsr entry...

aimi said...

shera's 1st entry???
nie krgn kew aper? lolzzzzz
jgn mare shera =P
***off to read

K.A.M.I. said...

*high fives with ime*

here kitty kitty kitty...

shera said...

kureng ek krg bedua~
org br nk spazz nih!!
per kitty2
ak br digigit heafy~

Zara said...
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Zara said...

salams and hi! :D

Actually I've been looking for kak nadwa zafirah for a very long time! And my google searching displayed her name in this blog of yours. She was my kakak angkat when I was in MRSM Kuala Kubu Bharu. Could you please help me to connect with her? :) Tell her that my name is Zarith and we've met during 2003-2004 in MRSM. Anyways, thank you in advance and Allah bless you. :)